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==== Traduzione italiana ==== Meno complicato In FCM # 36 ci sono due comandi che ritengo molto complicati.The prima è a pagina 32, nel Q & A. Trovare un file o una directory è molto più facile da utilizzare: sudo updatedb locate .twg poi: find ~ -iname '*.dwg' Alla pagina 33 è completamente obsoleto generare un file e poi informare il gedit. Invece l'uscita del lshw di sudo dovrebbe essere scelto di meno o più. sudo lshw | less oppure: sudo lshw | more Gabor Zalai Risposta: Se volete avanti e indietro la vibrazione compresa nell'uscita di lshw ed inoltre cercate le varie parole. Ubuntu Hardware Vi potrebbe gradire un'immagine di un fornitore di fissaggi che sta sostenendo Ubuntu. La foto mostra il lato della scatola che ho ricevuto da un negozio che conteneva un I / O Magic USB, esterno, 8x DVD-RW che indica che è supportata in Ubuntu. è bello vedere che i produttori di hardware stanno cominciando a "farsi vedere"! Turbo Print Come utente Ubuntu e un lettore di Full Circle qui negli Stati Uniti, ho voluto ricordare un software che non solo mi ha aiutato, ma molti altri, effettueranno una conversione completa di Ubuntu. Questo programma è chiamato TurboPrint pro per Linux (http://www.turboprint.info/). Non è software gratis, ma sono molto contento che esiste. Sono stato un fan stampante Canon per qualche tempo. Il mio primo salto nel mondo di Linux mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta quando non ho potuto ottenere driver per le mie due stampanti su cui lavoro. La stampa in generale sembrava un ripensamento a Linux. Una volta ho provato Ubuntu, ho voluto fare questa mia scelta di sistema operativo da qui in avanti. Ancora una volta, il supporto per stampanti Canon era molto povero per Linux. Avrei potuto acquistato una stampante dell' HP, ma dopo tutto, avevo passato un bel po 'di soldi per la mia stampante corrente. Dopo una buona sessione di ricerca a lungo sui forum e a cercare le soluzioni, qualcuno ha suggerito TurboPrint per Linux. Il programma vi permette di provare per un mese prima di acquistarlo. In pochi minuti ho avuto la piena funzionalità di stampa. Ero più che disposto ad acquistare questo software. Ubuntu e la comunità Linux in generale hanno così tante persone che lavorano duramente per fornire il resto di noi software gratuiti. Ma chi si concentra su una cosa,e riuscirla a farla bene, merita un piccolo compenso. Gary White Non so nulla circa l'autore dell'articolo (GIMP 2, FCM # 36) e non desidero di offendere in anonimo, ma l'autore non utilizza le potenzialità di GIMP. Utilizzando il "Selezione libera Tool" qui descritto è abbastanza scomodo e richiede un sacco di tempo. Vorrei copiare un livello, aggiungere una maschera al livello, poi, con un pennello grande, cancellare tutti i dettagli non necessari e quindi utilizzare il "Controllo sfocatura sul livello". Dopo di che, con un pennello piccolo (sulla maschera), per cancellare gli occhi, sopracciglia, narici, e così via... Natan Talifero Edit: Credo che tu sia a destra. Una delle cose buone GIMP, è che qui esistono vari modi per fare tutto. Il mio parere: basta che funzioni fino alla fine. Questo è quello che conta. Podcast Feed Scusate se questa è una domanda stupida ... ma voglio sottoscrivere un feed per il podcast. Sul mio portatile, e per la rivista sul mio desktop. Non riesco a trovare il modo di abbonarsi. JdeP Risposta: Non è una domanda stupida a tutti! L'RSS audio abbandonò nel nostro sito. Il nostro feed RSS (un feed separato dagli MP3 e OGG) devono essere per episodio # 6. Resista! Chi è in Top 5? Il tempo a disposizione di Andrew non può fare una Top5 per il mese prossimo. (FCM#38, ma non temete! Per FCM#39 ritorna!) |
=== Traduzione italiana === |
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LETTERS Every month we like to publish some of the emails we receive. If you would like to submit a letter for publication, compliment or complaint, please email it to: letters@fullcirclemagazine.org. PLEASE NOTE: some letters may be edited for space. Correction In your November "My Story", by Jesee Avilés, he makes one terrible mistake. QGIS (below) is a Geographical Information System, not a 2D CAD application. QGIS to introduce my students Although for many people, they could be the same they are radically (B.A. in Archeology) to cartography and digital cartography. QGIS, different. In a GIS you can create, being multi0platform, allows me to store, and display data in a variety of coordinate systems. Some could expand my audience (many of my students use Mac or some flavor of argue that a CAD can handle data Linux) and, being open source, that essentially has a coordinate system. That is partially true since a problems with violating DRM don't CAD system does not know how to exist. handle data of contiguous UTM Gerardo Jimenez Delgado zones, for instance. Another difference is that data in a GIS has an attribute table that allows you to play in many different ways with your data. The differences could go on and on, my point is that you n your November "My Story", must check more thoroughly these by Jesee Avilés, he makes one kind of articles. I personally live in a terrible mistake. QGIS (below) Windows world, but I use Ubuntu is a Geographical Information for some special projects. I use System, not a 2D CAD application. QGIS to introduce my students Although for many people, they could be the same they are radically (B.A. in Archeology) to cartography and digital cartography. QGIS, different. In a GIS you can create, being multi0platform, allows me to store, and display data in a variety of coordinate systems. Some could expand my audience (many of my students use Mac or some flavor of argue that a CAD can handle data Linux) and, being open source, that essentially has a coordinate system. That is partially true since a problems with violating DRM don't CAD system does not know how to exist. handle data of contiguous UTM Gerardo Jimenez Delgado MORE CLI! n FCM42, Chris Burmajster pleads for "even less CLI". Though on first sight one might agree with this, I really do sympathise with this, but when you consider this more closely this is not what we want. A GUI can only scratch the surface of the most often used capabilities of Linux. If we want to put all the capability of Linux, in a GUI, that GUI would get so big and complicated, that no one would be able to find even the most common button to accomplish anything. So his plea for a "simple GUI in which one can do anything" is just completely impossible. Sorry about that. "manual" (handbook on the hard disk), and is also a command. If one chooses not to use the CLI, then just don't use it, but please do not ask for a magnificent OS as Linux to be Window0ized from its real power. Jaap Woldringh If people move from Windows to Ubuntu, the advantage they get first is a safe and more reliable system, in which most things they want to do can be done using the GUI, which is simple, I do agree with that. The real strength of Linux is in the command line, and anyone who can use a keyboard to type some characters can profit from even the most simple commands, of which it is not really necessary to learn that many. There is nothing complicated in using simple commands such as cd, ls, mv, cp, except for a psychological barrier maybe. The power is that one can vary these commands in many tens or hundreds of ways, and that is daunting if you want to know them all, which no one does, or needs to. One can use 'man' to know all that one needs. Man is short for 22 More Backup Ideas, Less Excuses All the highlighted backup solutions Mr. Mins offered [in FCM#43] are very good. Dropbox and Clonezilla are especially good tools. Unless you are limited to one desktop device, there are other options as well. My Linux gateway box is provisioned with an extra hard drive just for backups. Under that scenario you then have two additional options: * Rsync 0 an old stalwart that 'just works' when a little configuration is applied to it. * Unison 0 my tool of choice when it comes to data syncing. One of its "manual" (handbook on the hard disk), and is also a command. If one chooses not to use the CLI, then just don't use it, but please do not ask for a magnificent OS as Linux to be Window0ized from its real power. Jaap Woldringh If people move from Windows to Ubuntu, the advantage they get first is a safe and more reliable system, in which most things they want to do can be done using the GUI, which is simple, I do agree with that. The real strength of Linux is in the command line, and anyone who can use a keyboard to type some characters can profit from even the most simple commands, of which it is not really necessary to learn that many. There is nothing complicated in using simple commands such as cd, ls, mv, cp, except for a psychological barrier maybe. The power is that one can vary these commands in many tens or hundreds of ways, and that is daunting if you want to know them all, which no one does, or needs to. One can use 'man' to know all that one needs. Man is short for 22 More Backup Ideas, More Backup Ideas, Less Excuses All the highlighted backup solutions Mr. Mins offered [in FCM#43] are very good. Dropbox and Clonezilla are especially good tools. Unless you are limited to one desktop device, there are other options as well. My Linux gateway box is provisioned with an extra hard drive just for backups. Under that scenario you then have two additional options: * Rsync 0 an old stalwart that 'just works' when a little configuration is applied to it. * Unison 0 my tool of choice when it comes to data syncing. One of its most useful attributes is that it is cross platform and syncs data with great efficiency. John McGinnis just read FCM#43, and in the "Backup Ideas" it really missed spideroak: http://www.spideroak.com. It has great Ubuntu (and other Linux) support, and the client is very configurable. They also have a zero0knowledge approach, meaning that the Spideroak company and employees cannot find your password or decrypt your data. That gives me real peace of mind. I am sorry that I don't have time to write a review myself 0 but please take a look. The 2GB accounts are free, and if you want more data there is 100GB for 100 USD. I noticed the answer to this question: Why doesn't the command: ls | grep *zip do what I want? and wanted to provide an alternate reply: The reason is that * means that the preceding character repeats 0 or more times and you haven't specified a character, so it returns empty. The solutions are: G ood Day. I am Khaldoon Khalifa, the director in charge of Auditing and Accounting section of OCBC Bank. I have a Business Proposal of $2,300,000.00 USD for you to handle with me from my bank. I will need you to assist me in executing this Business Project from Malaysia to your country. If interested, please Kindly Contact me on my private email which is (<snip!>) for more information. Mr. Khaldoon Khalifa Ronnie says: Not another multi0 million dollar business offer! But I do feel smug knowing that several thousand people have just read the spam email I received. Sincerely, ls | grep .*zip ( . signified a single character except newline) or forget grep and use: ls *.zip I am not affiliated to Spideroak in any other way than being a satisfied customer. John Jaarsveld Ronnie says: Spideroak certainly seems popular, as Paddy Landau also mentioned it in an email. Thanks for Grep Or Not To Grep noticed the answer to this question: Why doesn't the command: ls | grep *zip do what I want? and wanted to provide an alternate reply: The reason is that * means that the preceding character repeats 0 or more times and you haven't specified a character, so it returns empty. The solutions are: G ood Day. I am Khaldoon Khalifa, the director in charge of Auditing and Accounting section of OCBC Bank. I have a Business Proposal of $2,300,000.00 USD for you to handle with me from my bank. I will need you to assist me in executing this Business Project from Malaysia to your country. If interested, please Kindly Contact me on my private email which is (<snip!>) for more information. Mr. Khaldoon Khalifa Ronnie says: Not another multi0 million dollar business offer! But I do feel smug knowing that several thousand people have just read the spam email I received. Sincerely, ls | grep .*zip ( . signified a single character except newline) or forget grep and use: ls *.zip I am not affiliated to Spideroak in any other way than being a satisfied customer. John Jaarsveld Ronnie says: Spideroak certainly seems popular, as Paddy Landau also mentioned it in an email. Thanks for Gautham Pai Business Proposal F Business Proposal For You ood Day. I am Khaldoon Khalifa, the director in charge of Auditing and Accounting section of OCBC Bank. I have a Business Proposal of $2,300,000.00 USD for you to handle with me from my bank. I will need you to assist me in executing this Business Project from Malaysia to your country. If interested, please Kindly Contact me on my private email which is (<snip!>) for more information. Sincerely, Mr. Khaldoon Khalifa Ronnie says: Not another multi0 million dollar business offer! But I do feel smug knowing that several thousand people have just read the spam email I received. |
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==== Revisione ==== LETTERE |
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Traduzione italiana
LETTERS Every month we like to publish some of the emails we receive. If you would like to submit a letter for publication, compliment or complaint, please email it to: letters@fullcirclemagazine.org. PLEASE NOTE: some letters may be edited for space.
In your November "My Story", by Jesee Avilés, he makes one terrible mistake. QGIS (below) is a Geographical Information System, not a 2D CAD application. QGIS to introduce my students Although for many people, they could be the same they are radically (B.A. in Archeology) to cartography and digital cartography. QGIS, different. In a GIS you can create, being multi0platform, allows me to store, and display data in a variety of coordinate systems. Some could expand my audience (many of my students use Mac or some flavor of argue that a CAD can handle data Linux) and, being open source, that essentially has a coordinate system. That is partially true since a problems with violating DRM don't CAD system does not know how to exist. handle data of contiguous UTM Gerardo Jimenez Delgado zones, for instance. Another difference is that data in a GIS has an attribute table that allows you to play in many different ways with your data. The differences could go on and on, my point is that you n your November "My Story", must check more thoroughly these by Jesee Avilés, he makes one kind of articles. I personally live in a terrible mistake. QGIS (below) Windows world, but I use Ubuntu is a Geographical Information for some special projects. I use System, not a 2D CAD application. QGIS to introduce my students Although for many people, they could be the same they are radically (B.A. in Archeology) to cartography and digital cartography. QGIS, different. In a GIS you can create, being multi0platform, allows me to store, and display data in a variety of coordinate systems. Some could expand my audience (many of my students use Mac or some flavor of argue that a CAD can handle data Linux) and, being open source, that essentially has a coordinate system. That is partially true since a problems with violating DRM don't CAD system does not know how to exist. handle data of contiguous UTM Gerardo Jimenez Delgado
n FCM42, Chris Burmajster pleads for "even less CLI". Though on first sight one might agree with this, I really do sympathise with this, but when you consider this more closely this is not what we want. A GUI can only scratch the surface of the most often used capabilities of Linux. If we want to put all the capability of Linux, in a GUI, that GUI would get so big and complicated, that no one would be able to find even the most common button to accomplish anything. So his plea for a "simple GUI in which one can do anything" is just completely impossible. Sorry about that. "manual" (handbook on the hard disk), and is also a command. If one chooses not to use the CLI, then just don't use it, but please do not ask for a magnificent OS as Linux to be Window0ized from its real power. Jaap Woldringh If people move from Windows to Ubuntu, the advantage they get first is a safe and more reliable system, in which most things they want to do can be done using the GUI, which is simple, I do agree with that. The real strength of Linux is in the command line, and anyone who can use a keyboard to type some characters can profit from even the most simple commands, of which it is not really necessary to learn that many. There is nothing complicated in using simple commands such as cd, ls, mv, cp, except for a psychological barrier maybe. The power is that one can vary these commands in many tens or hundreds of ways, and that is daunting if you want to know them all, which no one does, or needs to. One can use 'man' to know all that one needs. Man is short for 22 More Backup Ideas, Less Excuses All the highlighted backup solutions Mr. Mins offered [in FCM#43] are very good. Dropbox and Clonezilla are especially good tools. Unless you are limited to one desktop device, there are other options as well. My Linux gateway box is provisioned with an extra hard drive just for backups. Under that scenario you then have two additional options: * Rsync 0 an old stalwart that 'just works' when a little configuration is applied to it. * Unison 0 my tool of choice when it comes to data syncing. One of its "manual" (handbook on the hard disk), and is also a command. If one chooses not to use the CLI, then just don't use it, but please do not ask for a magnificent OS as Linux to be Window0ized from its real power. Jaap Woldringh If people move from Windows to Ubuntu, the advantage they get first is a safe and more reliable system, in which most things they want to do can be done using the GUI, which is simple, I do agree with that. The real strength of Linux is in the command line, and anyone who can use a keyboard to type some characters can profit from even the most simple commands, of which it is not really necessary to learn that many. There is nothing complicated in using simple commands such as cd, ls, mv, cp, except for a psychological barrier maybe. The power is that one can vary these commands in many tens or hundreds of ways, and that is daunting if you want to know them all, which no one does, or needs to. One can use 'man' to know all that one needs. Man is short for 22 More Backup Ideas,
More Backup Ideas, Less Excuses All the highlighted backup solutions Mr. Mins offered [in FCM#43] are very good. Dropbox and Clonezilla are especially good tools. Unless you are limited to one desktop device, there are other options as well. My Linux gateway box is provisioned with an extra hard drive just for backups. Under that scenario you then have two additional options: * Rsync 0 an old stalwart that 'just works' when a little configuration is applied to it. * Unison 0 my tool of choice when it comes to data syncing. One of its most useful attributes is that it is cross platform and syncs data with great efficiency.
John McGinnis just read FCM#43, and in the "Backup Ideas" it really missed spideroak: http://www.spideroak.com. It has great Ubuntu (and other Linux) support, and the client is very configurable. They also have a zero0knowledge approach, meaning that the Spideroak company and employees cannot find your password or decrypt your data. That gives me real peace of mind. I am sorry that I don't have time to write a review myself 0 but please take a look. The 2GB accounts are free, and if you want more data there is 100GB for 100 USD. I noticed the answer to this question: Why doesn't the command: ls | grep *zip do what I want? and wanted to provide an alternate reply: The reason is that * means that the preceding character repeats 0 or more times and you haven't specified a character, so it returns empty. The solutions are: G ood Day. I am Khaldoon Khalifa, the director in charge of Auditing and Accounting section of OCBC Bank. I have a Business Proposal of $2,300,000.00 USD for you to handle with me from my bank. I will need you to assist me in executing this Business Project from Malaysia to your country. If interested, please Kindly Contact me on my private email which is (<snip!>) for more information. Mr. Khaldoon Khalifa Ronnie says: Not another multi0 million dollar business offer! But I do feel smug knowing that several thousand people have just read the spam email I received. Sincerely, ls | grep .*zip ( . signified a single character except newline) or forget grep and use: ls *.zip I am not affiliated to Spideroak in any other way than being a satisfied customer. John Jaarsveld Ronnie says: Spideroak certainly seems popular, as Paddy Landau also mentioned it in an email. Thanks for
Grep Or Not To Grep
noticed the answer to this question: Why doesn't the command: ls | grep *zip do what I want? and wanted to provide an alternate reply: The reason is that * means that the preceding character repeats 0 or more times and you haven't specified a character, so it returns empty. The solutions are: G ood Day. I am Khaldoon Khalifa, the director in charge of Auditing and Accounting section of OCBC Bank. I have a Business Proposal of $2,300,000.00 USD for you to handle with me from my bank. I will need you to assist me in executing this Business Project from Malaysia to your country. If interested, please Kindly Contact me on my private email which is (<snip!>) for more information. Mr. Khaldoon Khalifa Ronnie says: Not another multi0 million dollar business offer! But I do feel smug knowing that several thousand people have just read the spam email I received. Sincerely, ls | grep .*zip ( . signified a single character except newline) or forget grep and use: ls *.zip I am not affiliated to Spideroak in any other way than being a satisfied customer. John Jaarsveld Ronnie says: Spideroak certainly seems popular, as Paddy Landau also mentioned it in an email. Thanks for Gautham Pai Business Proposal F Business Proposal For You
ood Day. I am Khaldoon Khalifa, the director in charge of Auditing and Accounting section of OCBC Bank. I have a Business Proposal of $2,300,000.00 USD for you to handle with me from my bank. I will need you to assist me in executing this Business Project from Malaysia to your country. If interested, please Kindly Contact me on my private email which is (<snip!>) for more information. Sincerely,
Mr. Khaldoon Khalifa Ronnie says: Not another multi0 million dollar business offer! But I do feel smug knowing that several thousand people have just read the spam email I received.
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Note alla revisione