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Differenze tra le versioni 20 e 25 (in 5 versioni)
Versione 20 del 26/11/2011 12.27.52
Dimensione: 522
Autore: AldoLatino
Commento: Pulizia pagina
Versione 25 del 05/02/2012 15.21.04
Dimensione: 2802
Le cancellazioni sono segnalate in questo modo. Le aggiunte sono segnalate in questo modo.
Linea 7: Linea 7:
Ubuntu TV
di Robin Catling

Canonical ha mostrato Ubuntu TV, l'ultimo prodotto tecnico all'interno del marchio Ubuntu. La copertura presso la stampa è sincronizzata tra il Consumer Electronics Show (CES), alcuni testate selezionate (tra questi PCPro) e il sito web di Ubuntu

Questo è il primo sguardo pubblico ad Ubuntu TV, che, come ha promesso Mark Shuttleworth, ha l'obiettivo di aumentare la portata del sistema operativo open-source Ubuntu oltre il PC - Ubuntu in qualsiasi tablet, smartphone e TV. Canonical sta mostrando la prima Ubuntu TV al CES a Las Vegas, con la previsione della prima TV con Ubuntu in vendita entro la fine di questo anno.

there are no announcements of
partners or deals with any brandname
manufacturers in these
announcements and Canonical
CEO Jane Silber wouldn't name
any in talks.
Despite Google's renewed push on
Google TV, it could be seen as a
direct response to the rumours of
Apple lining up a dramatic next
generation of Apple TV. Just how
Canonical intends to sit between
these two tectonic plates, neither
of which has a track record of
success - yet - appears to rest on
confidence; that device
manufacturers want an open,
neutral platform from a supplier
that doesn't profit its' own brand
at their expense.
Although movie streaming
services will be supported as well
as live television broadcasts a
major issue is going to be deals for
content. In the meanwhile, you can
glory in the Ubuntu TV interface,
which, as we discussed on the
podcast, could well be the killer
application for which Unity was
Air Force Drone
Controllers Embrace
"Last year, U.S. militarydrone
control systemswere infectedwith
WindowsUSBworms. They seem to
bemoving the control systems to
Linux now,"said Mikko Hypponen,
chief research officer at F-Secure,
via Twitter.
As evidence of the apparent shift,
he posted pictures of a drone
control system from 2009 (the
image was originally published by
the Air Force), which appears to
sport a Windows graphical user
interface. For comparison,
Hypponen then posted an
unclassified slide (above) from a
2010 briefing that details Linux as
being part of a 2011 upgrade.

Traduzione italiana

Ubuntu TV di Robin Catling

Canonical ha mostrato Ubuntu TV, l'ultimo prodotto tecnico all'interno del marchio Ubuntu. La copertura presso la stampa è sincronizzata tra il Consumer Electronics Show (CES), alcuni testate selezionate (tra questi PCPro) e il sito web di Ubuntu

Questo è il primo sguardo pubblico ad Ubuntu TV, che, come ha promesso Mark Shuttleworth, ha l'obiettivo di aumentare la portata del sistema operativo open-source Ubuntu oltre il PC - Ubuntu in qualsiasi tablet, smartphone e TV. Canonical sta mostrando la prima Ubuntu TV al CES a Las Vegas, con la previsione della prima TV con Ubuntu in vendita entro la fine di questo anno.

  • Tellingly,

there are no announcements of partners or deals with any brandname manufacturers in these announcements and Canonical CEO Jane Silber wouldn't name any in talks. Despite Google's renewed push on Google TV, it could be seen as a direct response to the rumours of Apple lining up a dramatic next generation of Apple TV. Just how Canonical intends to sit between these two tectonic plates, neither of which has a track record of success - yet - appears to rest on confidence; that device manufacturers want an open, neutral platform from a supplier that doesn't profit its' own brand at their expense. Although movie streaming services will be supported as well as live television broadcasts a major issue is going to be deals for content. In the meanwhile, you can glory in the Ubuntu TV interface, which, as we discussed on the podcast, could well be the killer application for which Unity was destined. Air Force Drone Controllers Embrace Linux "Last year, U.S. militarydrone control systemswere infectedwith WindowsUSBworms. They seem to bemoving the control systems to Linux now,"said Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure, via Twitter. As evidence of the apparent shift, he posted pictures of a drone control system from 2009 (the image was originally published by the Air Force), which appears to sport a Windows graphical user interface. For comparison, Hypponen then posted an unclassified slide (above) from a 2010 briefing that details Linux as being part of a 2011 upgrade. Source:

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