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  • Differenze per "Fcm/Edizione/GruppoA15"
Differenze tra le versioni 29 e 49 (in 20 versioni)
Versione 29 del 11/02/2012 16.38.59
Dimensione: 5322
Autore: MarcoLetizia
Versione 49 del 27/03/2013 22.54.36
Dimensione: 4535
Autore: mapreri
Commento: 71
Le cancellazioni sono segnalate in questo modo. Le aggiunte sono segnalate in questo modo.
Linea 1: Linea 1:
## page was renamed from Fcm/Edizione/Recensione5
#acl GruppoAdmin:admin,read,write,revert GruppoOperatori:admin,read,write,revert GruppoEditori:read,write,revert CristianoLuinetti:admin,read,write,revert MarcoBuono:admin,read,write,revert AldoLatino:admin,read,write,revert GruppoFcm:read,write,revert -All:read -Known:read
#acl GruppoAdmin:admin,read,write,revert GruppoOperatori:admin,read,write,revert GruppoEditori:read,write,revert GruppoFcm:read,write,revert,read,write,revert paolettopn:admin,read,write,revert Known:read All:read
Linea 4: Linea 4:
= Testo inglese =


Where is FOSS?

Apps for sale everywhere. Google Play, Apple's App Store, and now Ubuntu Software Centre. Now, I have nothing against paying for a very good application, and I also realize that it takes a lot of time and effort to create an application. But, there are a lot of applications out there that shouldn't cost a cent. Now just look at Ubuntu Software Centre and the number of applications that aren't free that have sprung up over the last year. My challenge to the developers out there who want to create great programs for Ubuntu and the soon-to-be Ubuntu phone is: Keep it free and Keep it open. Then people will want to use Ubuntu over other devices.

Chris Love

Cron + GUI

I read Jeremy Boden's interesting article on cron, a useful and sometimes under-appreciated tool. For those who prefer to use GUI editors rather than vi or nano, readers may be interested to know how to do this. As Jeremy already wrote, the way to edit cron is:

crontab -e

However, you can change the default editor to a GUI one as follows:

VISUAL=gedit crontab -e

You can replace gedit with leafpad, or whatever your preferred editor is. Or, you can set VISUAL in your .bashrc file to make this permanent and avoid having to type it each time.

The two find commands as used can also be simplified to avoid using the -exec option, as follows.

find ~/.thumbnails -type f -atime +7 -delete
find ~/.thumbnails -type f -atime +7 -ls | more

You could substitute -print for -ls in the second command – depending on how you prefer the output. In certain cases, the commands as shown are safer than the original, although this is unlikely to happen in the thumbnails folder.

Paddy Landau


I saw your facebook post the other day, and downloaded SolydK to try it out.

I am not a Linux guru, but I do like trying new Distros. I have been using various Linux distros exclusively for the last 3 years (hint, NO Windows). I think Solyd is a great distro. I am using the live version on my home-built desktop, after trying it out on my Toshiba laptop (which worked great).

I like it so much I planned to install it alongside my Zorin 6, which has not impressed me much. Zorin 6 doesn't seem that much different from version 5, so I was looking for something new.

One thing that really appeals to me is the fact that, when I hover over a file, I get a lot more info than any Ubuntu version I've tried.

I have six old Windows virus infected hard drives that have music I want to keep. I used the recovery disk to get what ended up being recovered files with not much info on them. A different and much, much better info with Solyd.

I read today that, on March 1st, SolydK is coming out with another version. I will happily use the live version till March 1st at which time Ill install it on my hard drive next to Zorin 6, and, hopefully, replace it. I'm not badmouthing any Ubuntu distro, but am hoping the best for SolydXK.

Dennis McClellan

Ronnie says: Check next month’s FCM for a full review of SolydXK from long-time reviewer Art.

Table of Contents

I have been reading this magazine for many years now and I keep older issues on my laptop for reference. But...sometimes, I want to read again an article about something specific I remember having read in a former issue. Finding the article again in my collection of FCM issue is... very tedious and time consuming!

That is why I had this idea: how about building a compilation of all articles published, let's say on a yearly basis. The list could be sorted out by themes, making it easy to find the specific FCM issue containing that article.

Gilles Tournier

Ronnie says: Good idea, but we beat you to it. At the top of the FCM site is a button marked 'Table of Contents' which links to:
It's not bang up-to-date, but it's close! Gord has also just released a Google Docs file which lists all articles and even questions answered since the beginning of (Full Circle) time:

Linea 6: Linea 70:

Se avete delle domande su Ubuntu, scrivetecele a
e Gordon vi risponderà in un prossimo numero Si prega di inserire il maggior numero
di informazioni che possano servire a risolvere il vostro problema.

Curato da Gord Campbell

D Come posso disinstallare un programma?

R Vai nel gestore applicazioni, cerca il nome del programma, selezionalo e fai un clic sul pulsante “disinstalla”.

D Come posso installare iplist (noto anche come IpBlock) sulla 11.10?

R Meglio utilizzare pgl, il successore di moblock/blockcontrol/mobloquer.

D Ho perso la mia password. Come posso effettuare il login?

R (Grazie a bcbc del Forum di Ubuntu). Riavvia in Recovery mode. Potresti aver bisogno di selezionare la terza opzione, “Rimonta lettura/scrittura”. Quindi seleziona “Prompt da linea di comando per amministratore”. Apparirà una linea di comando, in cui digiterai:

passwd [userid]

dove [userid] è il tuo nome utente. Nel mio caso è gord. Inserisci quindi la tua password per due volte, quindi dovrebbe segnalarti che la tua password è stata aggiornata. Digita il comando:


Seleziona “Ripristina avvio normale” e dovresti essere in grado di usare la password che hai appena creato.

Coloro che tra voi tengono molto alla sicurezza dovrebbero notare come questo metodo permette a chiunque (tra coloro che hanno accesso fisico al computer) di accedere completamente a tutti i programmi e i dati non protetti.

D Microsoft Office Professional 2010 funziona con Wine?

R Sì, con la versione di Wine 1.32. Leggi questo per maggiori dettagli:

D L'avvio di DVDstyler in Ubuntu 11.10 fallisce con un errore di segmentazione.

R (Grazie a Rattus Norvegicus sul Forum Ubuntu) Funziona bene con Gnome Classic.

D Usando Ubuntu 11.10, come posso trasferire i miei segnalibri di Firefox su una nuova macchina? Li ho salvati tramite il pulsante Backup/Ripristino usando un file .json.

R Apri “Mostra tutti i segnalibri”. Poi, muovi il mouse sulla metà sinistra del pannello superiore e apparirà l'opzione “Importa e backup”.

D Ho installato sul mio computer Xubuntu 11.10. In modalità Live CD, le partizioni del mio disco rigido venivano visualizzate sul desktop come icone, mentre ora che è installato, le stesse partizioni non vengono mostrate. Perché?

R La modalità Live CD viene avviata da CD oppure da USB, quindi le partizioni del disco rigido sono riconosciute come partizioni esterne. Al contrario, per un sistema operativo residente sul disco rigido, le partizioni sono interne. Solo i supporti esterni vengono visualizzati sul desktop.

D È comprovato che, per quanto ne so io, Oneiric non funziona con la scheda video Intel GMA500?

R Dai uno sguardo su

D Avidemux è già presente nei repository di Ubuntu 11.10? Nel momento in cui la versione 11.10 è stata rilasciata non c'era.

R (Grazie a linuxman94 sul Forum Ubuntu) Sì, c'è. Per il futuro, puoi cercare quali pacchetti sono presenti nei repository su Nota che potresti aver bisogno di cercare nei tre canali oneiric, oneiric-updates e oneiric-backports.

D Sto provando ad installare Drupal. Il comando “sudo apt-get install drupal7” restituisce che il pacchetto non è stato trovato.

R Drupal6 è nei repository, mentre la versione 7.10 è disponibile su

D Ho un nuovo sistema con una scheda madre MSI Z68A-G45 (UEFI) e un processore i7-2600k. Molte versioni di Ubuntu si piantano allo stesso punto, non appena comincia la fase di avvio con il Live CD e subito dopo aver riconosciuto la penna USB o le periferiche USB.

R (Grazie a Trevelyon sul Forum Ubuntu) Ho usato l'opzione nomodeset noacpi e l'installazione è proseguita. L'ho dovuta anche inserire dopo l'installazione per permettere l'avvio dal disco SSD.

D Ho scaricato l'ISO di Ubuntu 10.04.3 a 32-bit, quindi ho utilizzato Startup Disk Creator per realizzare una penna USB avviabile per installare Ubuntu su più computer. Quando però la lancio, vien fuori un “Errore d'avvio” su una pagina nera vuota.

R Prova ad utilizzare Unetbootin per creare la penna USB, e se anche questo tentativo va a male masterizza un CD.

D Uso Ubuntu 11.10. Ho da poco installato gtkpod per caricare canzoni sul mio iPod classic. Quando apro gtkpod, appare solo una schermata vuota e il mio iPod non viene rilevato. Però appare nella lista delle risorse e nel lettore multimediale Audacious.

R (Grazie a sasasas sul Forum Ubuntu) Ho installato Amarok. GTKpod sarebbe molto carino se riuscisse a rimuovere i duplicati.
Linea 81: Linea 75:
= Revisione =
Linea 82: Linea 77:
= Revisione =
Linea 88: Linea 82:
= Errata Corrige =
Linea 89: Linea 84:
= Errata Corrige =

Testo inglese


Where is FOSS?

Apps for sale everywhere. Google Play, Apple's App Store, and now Ubuntu Software Centre. Now, I have nothing against paying for a very good application, and I also realize that it takes a lot of time and effort to create an application. But, there are a lot of applications out there that shouldn't cost a cent. Now just look at Ubuntu Software Centre and the number of applications that aren't free that have sprung up over the last year. My challenge to the developers out there who want to create great programs for Ubuntu and the soon-to-be Ubuntu phone is: Keep it free and Keep it open. Then people will want to use Ubuntu over other devices.

Chris Love

Cron + GUI

I read Jeremy Boden's interesting article on cron, a useful and sometimes under-appreciated tool. For those who prefer to use GUI editors rather than vi or nano, readers may be interested to know how to do this. As Jeremy already wrote, the way to edit cron is:

crontab -e

However, you can change the default editor to a GUI one as follows:

VISUAL=gedit crontab -e

You can replace gedit with leafpad, or whatever your preferred editor is. Or, you can set VISUAL in your .bashrc file to make this permanent and avoid having to type it each time.

The two find commands as used can also be simplified to avoid using the -exec option, as follows.

find ~/.thumbnails -type f -atime +7 -delete find ~/.thumbnails -type f -atime +7 -ls | more

You could substitute -print for -ls in the second command – depending on how you prefer the output. In certain cases, the commands as shown are safer than the original, although this is unlikely to happen in the thumbnails folder.

Paddy Landau


I saw your facebook post the other day, and downloaded SolydK to try it out.

I am not a Linux guru, but I do like trying new Distros. I have been using various Linux distros exclusively for the last 3 years (hint, NO Windows). I think Solyd is a great distro. I am using the live version on my home-built desktop, after trying it out on my Toshiba laptop (which worked great).

I like it so much I planned to install it alongside my Zorin 6, which has not impressed me much. Zorin 6 doesn't seem that much different from version 5, so I was looking for something new.

One thing that really appeals to me is the fact that, when I hover over a file, I get a lot more info than any Ubuntu version I've tried.

I have six old Windows virus infected hard drives that have music I want to keep. I used the recovery disk to get what ended up being recovered files with not much info on them. A different and much, much better info with Solyd.

I read today that, on March 1st, SolydK is coming out with another version. I will happily use the live version till March 1st at which time Ill install it on my hard drive next to Zorin 6, and, hopefully, replace it. I'm not badmouthing any Ubuntu distro, but am hoping the best for SolydXK.

Dennis McClellan

Ronnie says: Check next month’s FCM for a full review of SolydXK from long-time reviewer Art.

Table of Contents

I have been reading this magazine for many years now and I keep older issues on my laptop for reference. But...sometimes, I want to read again an article about something specific I remember having read in a former issue. Finding the article again in my collection of FCM issue is... very tedious and time consuming!

That is why I had this idea: how about building a compilation of all articles published, let's say on a yearly basis. The list could be sorted out by themes, making it easy to find the specific FCM issue containing that article.

Gilles Tournier

Ronnie says: Good idea, but we beat you to it. At the top of the FCM site is a button marked 'Table of Contents' which links to: It's not bang up-to-date, but it's close! Gord has also just released a Google Docs file which lists all articles and even questions answered since the beginning of (Full Circle) time:

Traduzione italiana

Note alla traduzione


Note alla revisione

Errata Corrige
