Allegato ""
Scarica 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Python script to make Skype use notify-osd
4 # Copyright (c) 2009, Lightbreeze
6 #
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
11 #
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
19 #
20 #
21 # to use this script: Open Skype -> Open the menu and press 'Options' or press Ctrl-O
22 # -> hit the 'Advanced' button and check 'Execute the following script on _any_ event'
23 # -> paste: python /path/to/ -e"%type" -n"%sname" -f"%fname" -p"%fpath" -m"%smessage" -s%fsize -u%sskype
24 # -> disable or enable the notifications you want to receive.
26 # TODO: add sound if it is not synchronising; add indicator-applet presence; add buddy photo in IM
27 import pynotify
28 import sys
29 from optparse import OptionParser
31 # for indicator-applet: import indicate
32 # for sound: import gst
34 class NotifyForSkype:
35 def __init__(self):
36 # Initiate pynotify
37 if not pynotify.init("Skype Notifier"):
38 sys.exit(-1)
40 # Add argument parser options
41 parser = OptionParser()
42 parser.add_option("-e", "--event", dest="type", help="type of SKYPE_EVENT")
43 parser.add_option("-n", "--sname", dest="sname", help="display-name of contact")
44 parser.add_option("-u", "--skype", dest="sskype", help="skype-username of contact")
45 parser.add_option("-m", "--smessage", dest="smessage", help="message body", metavar="FILE")
46 parser.add_option("-p", "--path", dest="fpath", help="path to file")
47 parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="fsize", help="incoming file size")
48 parser.add_option("-f", "--filename", dest="fname", help="file name", metavar="FILE")
49 (o, args) = parser.parse_args()
51 print(args)
52 print(sys.argv)
53 print(o.type)
55 # If event type x show notification (summary, body, icon)
56 # Summary should not be None
57 if o.type == 'SkypeLogin': self.showNotification("Skype","You have logged into Skype with {contact}".format(contact=o.sname),"skype")
58 elif o.type == 'SkypeLogout': self.showNotification("You have logged out of Skype",None,"user-offline")
59 elif o.type == 'SkypeLoginFailed': self.showNotification("Skype login failed",None,"user-offline")
60 elif o.type == 'CallConnecting': self.showNotification("Dailing... {contact}".format(contact=o.sname),None,"skype") #some of these should be merged and update to the same bubble: Call Connecting -> CallRingingOut -> Call Asnwered
61 elif o.type == 'CallRingingIn': self.showNotification("Brring..","{contact} is calling you".format(contact=o.sname),"skype")
62 elif o.type == 'CallRingingOut': self.showNotification("Dididi.. dididi...","You are calling {contact}".format(contact=o.sname),"skype") #merge ^^ see above
63 elif o.type == 'CallAnswered': self.showNotification("Call Answered",None,"skype")
64 elif o.type == 'VoicemailReceived': self.showNotification(o.sname,"Voicemail Received","skype")
65 elif o.type == 'VoicemailSent': self.showNotification("Voicemail Sent",None,"skype")
66 elif o.type == 'ContactOnline': self.showNotification("{contact} is now online".format(contact=o.sname),None,"skype")
67 elif o.type == 'ContactOffline': self.showNotification("{contact} is now offline".format(contact=o.sname),None,"user-offline")
68 elif o.type == 'ContactDeleted': self.showNotification("Contact Deleted", "{contact} has been deleted from your contact list".format(contact=o.sname),"skype")
69 elif o.type == 'ChatIncomingInitial': self.showNotification("{contact}".format(contact=o.sname),o.smessage,"notification-message-IM")
70 elif o.type == 'ChatIncoming': self.showNotification("{contact}".format(contact=o.sname),o.smessage,"notification-message-IM")
71 elif o.type == 'ChatOutgoing': self.showNotification("{contact}".format(contact=o.sname),o.smessage,"notification-message-IM")
72 elif o.type == 'ChatJoined': self.showNotification("{contact} joined chat".format(contact=o.sname),o.smessage,"emblem-people")
73 elif o.type == 'ChatParted': self.showNotification("{contact} left chat".format(contact=o.sname),o.smessage,None)
74 elif o.type == 'TransferComplete': self.showNotification("Transfer Complete","{filename} saved to {path}{filename}".format(filename=o.fname,path=o.fpath),"gtk-save")
75 elif o.type == 'TransferFailed': self.showNotification("Transfer Failed","{filename}".format(filename=o.fname),"gtk-close")
76 elif o.type == 'Birthday': self.showNotification("{contact} has a birthday Tomorrow".format(contact=o.sname),None,"appointment-soon")
78 def showNotification(self, summary, message, ikon):
79 '''takes a title sumamry and a message to display the email notification. Returns the created notification object'''
80 if summary == None: summary = " "
81 n = pynotify.Notification(summary, message, ikon)
83 print("showNotification..")
84 return n
86 cm = NotifyForSkype()
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