Built-in Screen with External Screen
Verify Mirrored Functionality
Case ID: hds-001
- Ensure an external display is connected and powered on and that the internal display is enabled.
- Boot the computer. Verify that the Ubuntu login screen is displayed.
- Log into the computer. Verify that the desktop wallpaper and panels are displayed.
Open System -> Preferences -> Display.
Click Detect Monitors. Verify that both the internal and external displays are detected.
Check the Mirror screens checkbox and click Apply. Verify that the same image is displayed both on the internal and external display.
Uncheck the Mirror screens checkbox and click Apply. Verify that the images are no longer mirrored.
- Verify that both displays work and both display the same image when mirrored.
Verify that the Mirror screens setting can be changed and that mirroring is enabled and disabled.
Verify Internal Screen Functionality
Case ID: hds-002
Select the internal screen in the Display Settings window.
Set a different resolution in the Resolution dropdown and click Apply. Verify that the internal screen resolution has changed and that the external screen resolution has remained constant.
Reset the internal display resolution to its previous value and click Apply. Verify that the resolution returns to the previous value.
Select the external display in the Display Settings window.
Select the Off radio button and click Apply. Verify that the external display is deactivated and that the internal display remains visible.
Select the On radio button and click Apply. Verify that the external display is reactivated and that both displays are visible.
- Verify that the internal display functions correctly.
- Verify that the external display can be activated and deactivated.
Verify External Screen Functionality
Case ID: hds-003
Select the external screen in the Display Settings window.
Set a different resolution in the Resolution dropdown and click Apply. Verify that the external screen resolution has changed and that the internal screen resolution has remained constant.
Reset the external display resolution to its previous value and click Apply. Verify that the resolution returns to the previous value.
Select the internal display in the Display Settings window.
Select the Off radio button and click Apply. Verify that the internal display is deactivated and that the external display remains visible.
Select the On radio button and click Apply. Verify that the internal display is reactivated and that both displays are visible.
- Verify that the external display functions correctly.
- Verify that the internal display can be activated and deactivated.
Verify Dual Screen Functionality
Case ID: hds-004
Open gedit (Applications -> Accessories -> Text Editor). Drag it from the screen it opened on to the other screen. Verify that the window is visible and readable on both screens.
Close gedit.
- Verify that both displays function correctly.
- Verify that a window can be moved between the two displays.