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||<style="text-align: left; background: white url(/wiki/WikiGraphics?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=tablebg.png) no-repeat bottom right"> [[TableOfContents]] || | = Ubuntu 7.10 released today = == New features == |
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= Mefisto a lavoro = | === E' tempo di girare il mondo === https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha6#head-b5f8639bdfe04200f9cc7dead619fcd154e97bf9 |
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Pagina che uso per alcuni esperimenti, per le bozze, etc. | === Beautiful New Desktop === Switching between apps shows a full preview of each window, windows flow smoothly across the desktop when dragged, and you can slide between different desktops. |
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== 10 ragioni per usare Ubuntu == | === Security Made Simple === Tired of having to remember multiple passwords? Ubuntu 7.10 now unlocks access to all your saved website passwords, wireless network keys, and file shares after logging in. You can now keep important files private by simply right clicking them to encrypt. |
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1. '''Tutto quello che avete sempre desiserato, gratis.''' Poche cose sono gratuite, e quando lo sono c'è sempre qualche limitazione. Non con Ubuntu. Ubuntu vi permette di esprimere la vostra ceatività senza limiti. 2. '''Funziona.''' Se usi una qualsiasi versione di Windows saprai bene che se lasci acceso il PC per pochi giorni il sistema diventerà instabile e probabilmente andrà in crash. Questo non succede con Ubuntu. Potrai lasciare acceso il tuo PC per giorni interi, il sistema non diventerà mai instabile. Ubuntu semplicemente funziona, sempre. 3. '''É completamente personalizzabile.''' Permette molte più configurazioni e personalizazioni rispetto ai sistemi commerciali, poichè è Open Source ed ogni aspetto del sistema può essere modificato a proprio piacimento. Inoltre sono dispobibili svariate configurazioni create dagli utenti già pronte per essere scaricate gratuitamente. 4. '''Virus e e spyware? Non per Ubuntu.'' Grazie al modo in cui è progettato i virus non hanno possibilità di infettare Ubuntu nello stesso modo in cui infettano un sistema Windows. Ubuntu non ha bisogno di alcun antivirus o antispyware. Ubuntu è sicuro subito. 5. '''Ubuntu è per il tuo Pc.''' Che il tuo PC sfrutti le ultime tecnologie o che risalga a dieci anni fa, Ubuntu non solo funzionerà, ma funzionerà bene. Ubuntu offre versioni leggere, installabili su computer datati. E' Ubuntu che si adatta al tuo pc. 6. '''Utilizzando Linux supporti l' ''Open Source''.''' Gli sviluppatori si sentiranno sempre più stimolati a creare nuovi programmi, per avvicinarsi anche alle tue esigenze. 7. '''Moltissimi programmi sono gratis su Linux.''' Compilatori, strumenti per l'ufficio, giochi e applicazioni per Internet. Potrai risparmiare migliaia di euro usando Linux. E poichè la maggior parte di questi programmi sono Open Source non vi è alcun limite al loro uso. 8. '''É più veloce di altri sistemi operativi.''' Molti programmi possono essere compilati appositamente per il tuo PC. Il tuo compilatore userà strategie e trucchi vari per ottimizzare il software per l'architettura del tuo processore. Tutto ciò avrà come risultato una maggiore velocità di esecuzione dei programmi. 9. '''Le guide sono scritte dagli utenti.''' Sono gli stessi utenti a dare un supporto di base. Nel caso tu abbia un problema ti sarà sufficiente descriverlo in uno dei tanti forum di supporto per Linux, ci saranno sempre molte persone disposte ad aiutarti nella sua risoluzione. 10. '''Ha un logo accattivante.''' Windows ha una noiosa finestra multicolore, Apple una mela, Linux il pinguino Tux. Non fa parte anche questo della competizione? |
=== Find Anything Fast === Find the documents, photos, music, videos, and chat logs you want instantly with a single click. Tracker searches inside files content, and can be used from inside applications to select files. |
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== Prova == | === Simpler screen, printer, and wireless set up === Monitors and projects can now be automatically detected. Printers are now automatically configured by merely plugging them in and turning them on. Wireless cards and modems can now be easily set up. |
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||<tablestyle="width: 100%; text-align: center"> || ||<style="color: white; background: #3074c2; font-weight: bold; font-size: larger"> '''Ubuntu Marketing''' || ||<style="color: black; background-color: #eeeff1"> The Ubuntu Marketing Project is the Ubuntu Project's public voice. Our goal is to promote Ubuntu and to help promote other Linux and open source projects. We provide the global voice that leads all Ubuntu marketing initiatives. The [:Ambassadors: Ubuntu Ambassadors] provide local voices and contact points throughout the world. [[BR]] Member of the [:/Press: Press]? || || attachment:ubuntuit.ext || ||<style="text-align: center; color: black; background-color: #eeeff1"> '''Table of Contents''' || |
=== Open, edit and save files on your Windows drive === Users dual-booting with Windows can now open, edit and save files on their Windows disks out of the box. === Save your battery, the environment, and your lap === Ubuntu now allows the processor to use less power and produce less heat. For laptops this means more battery life and burn-free laps and for desktops and media center PCs, a quieter, cooler environment. === If your laptop’s stolen, your data isn’t === You can now encrypt your hard disk. If your laptops or mobile devices is lost or stolen, your files won’t be read without your password. === Run Windows apps inside Ubuntu === VirtualBox allows users to even run Windows right inside Ubuntu. === The Benefits of Ubuntu === As with previous versions of Ubuntu, Ubuntu 7.10 includes all the benefits of Ubuntu and Linux. * Everything is ready to go out of the box Well known apps for web browsing, instant messaging, voice calling, email, and office functions installed out of the box. * It’s easy to get more You can find, get, install and update all software through one simple tool - without the need to answer questions or restart. * No hunting around for video and sound players The ‘ubuntu-restricted-extras’ provides support for all popular sound and video formats - there’s no need to find and download extra media players and software. Note this may not be available in all countries. * The worlds best security. Other platforms have a few hundred thousand viruses in the wild. Linux has a handful. You don’t need to restart your computer for most security updates. * Ubuntu is Free Ubuntu is free of charge * Ubuntu is Freedom Ubuntu is owned by you, the general public. == Ready to download? == Get it while it’s hot! Visit the download page to get Ubuntu 7.10 now, or see a list of other ways to get Ubuntu. == Get Ubuntu now == New users: Download Ubuntu 7.10 now, or see a list of other ways to get Ubuntu. Users upgrading from Ubuntu 7.04: check out the easy upgrade instructions. So there you have it. When the release announcement for 8.04 is written, let’s apply a few of the things discussed above to help fix Bug #1. ---- CategoryHomepage |
Ubuntu 7.10 released today
New features
E' tempo di girare il mondo
Beautiful New Desktop
Switching between apps shows a full preview of each window, windows flow smoothly across the desktop when dragged, and you can slide between different desktops.
Security Made Simple
Tired of having to remember multiple passwords? Ubuntu 7.10 now unlocks access to all your saved website passwords, wireless network keys, and file shares after logging in. You can now keep important files private by simply right clicking them to encrypt.
Find Anything Fast
Find the documents, photos, music, videos, and chat logs you want instantly with a single click. Tracker searches inside files content, and can be used from inside applications to select files.
Simpler screen, printer, and wireless set up
Monitors and projects can now be automatically detected. Printers are now automatically configured by merely plugging them in and turning them on. Wireless cards and modems can now be easily set up.
Open, edit and save files on your Windows drive
Users dual-booting with Windows can now open, edit and save files on their Windows disks out of the box.
Save your battery, the environment, and your lap
Ubuntu now allows the processor to use less power and produce less heat. For laptops this means more battery life and burn-free laps and for desktops and media center PCs, a quieter, cooler environment.
If your laptop’s stolen, your data isn’t
You can now encrypt your hard disk. If your laptops or mobile devices is lost or stolen, your files won’t be read without your password.
Run Windows apps inside Ubuntu
VirtualBox allows users to even run Windows right inside Ubuntu.
The Benefits of Ubuntu
As with previous versions of Ubuntu, Ubuntu 7.10 includes all the benefits of Ubuntu and Linux.
- Everything is ready to go out of the box
- Well known apps for web browsing, instant messaging, voice calling, email, and office functions installed out of the box.
- It’s easy to get more
- You can find, get, install and update all software through one simple tool - without the need to answer questions or restart.
- No hunting around for video and sound players
- The ‘ubuntu-restricted-extras’ provides support for all popular sound and video formats - there’s no need to find and download extra media players and software. Note this may not be available in all countries.
- The worlds best security.
- Other platforms have a few hundred thousand viruses in the wild. Linux has a handful. You don’t need to restart your computer for most security updates.
- Ubuntu is Free
- Ubuntu is free of charge
- Ubuntu is Freedom
- Ubuntu is owned by you, the general public.
Ready to download?
Get it while it’s hot! Visit the download page to get Ubuntu 7.10 now, or see a list of other ways to get Ubuntu.
Get Ubuntu now
New users: Download Ubuntu 7.10 now, or see a list of other ways to get Ubuntu.
Users upgrading from Ubuntu 7.04: check out the easy upgrade instructions.
So there you have it. When the release announcement for 8.04 is written, let’s apply a few of the things discussed above to help fix Bug #1.