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Dimensione: 2699
Le cancellazioni sono segnalate in questo modo. | Le aggiunte sono segnalate in questo modo. |
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## page was renamed from Creative/Prove0 ## page was renamed from Kino #format wiki #LANGUAGE it [[BR]] [[Indice(depth=2)]] [[VersioniSupportate(hardy gutsy feisty)]] |
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"][B]Fuoco Tools[/B][/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"] I AM WRITING THIS PAGE IS NOT COMPLETED [B] screenshoot [/B] |
= Introduzione = |
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Converter tool | Questa guida contiene delle istruzioni utili all'installazione e alla configurazione di una telecamera DV. |
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[IMG]http://www.italianhost.org/public/imagehost/pics/1cfbecffdf469eecaede5a06e1cfc1e5.png[/IMG] dvd wizard tool |
{{{ #!frame align=clear }}} |
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[IMG]http://www.italianhost.org/public/imagehost/pics/26bb143e40c1f019156a9739104dcfe9.png[/IMG] [B]What is Fuoco tools?[/B][/SIZE] |
= Configurazione della telecamera = |
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images2mpg tool [IMG]http://www.italianhost.org/public/imagehost/pics/10e1baafb9a32eb15ea39966bc994e8a.png[/IMG] |
Per verificare che siano stati caricati all’avvio i moduli per la firewire è sufficiente digitare il seguente comando nel terminale: {{{ lsmod | grep 1394 }}} |
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Fuoco tools is born from The same ideas of ConvertIT, so is mainly a converter,but i have added some features, like Dvdwizard and Images2mpg plug in. | Il risultato sarà simile al seguente: {{{ ohci1394 33584 0 ieee1394 93752 2 sbp2,ohci1394 }}} |
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[B][SIZE="3"]Why have you left ConvertIT?[/SIZE][/B] | Per caricare all'avvio i moduli neccessari per il corretto funzionamento della periferica è necessario aprire il file `/etc/modules` con i [:AmministrazioneSistema/Sudo:privilegi di amministrazione] e con un [:Ufficio/EditorDiTesto:editor di testo], aggiungendo le seguenti righe: {{{ raw1394 video1394 dv1394 }}} |
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Per caricare nella sessione corrente i moduli è sufficiente aprire una finestra di terminale e digitare il seguente comando: {{{ sudo modprobe raw1394 && sudo modprobe video1394 && sudo modprobe dv1394 }}} |
Linea 26: | Linea 42: |
Mainly because ConvertIT was not complete for my personal use ...i have developed ConvertIT(i have written the most of the commandline) with Brus46(programmer) and Massabuntu(designer and a bit programmer) but i didn't know gambas, or maybe better i was too lazy to learn it, so i have made something with kommander.i had made some interface with it for me so.. | Per consentire a tutti gli utenti di utilizzare la telecamera, è necessario aprire il file `/etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules` con un [:Ufficio/EditorDiTesto:editor di testo] con i [:AmministrazioneSistema/Sudo:privilegi di amministrazione] e cercare le seguenti righe: {{{ KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="disk" KERNEL=="dv1394*", GROUP="video" KERNEL=="video1394*", GROUP="video" }}} |
Linea 28: | Linea 49: |
Sostituire le precedenti righe con il seguente testo: {{{ KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="disk", MODE="0666" KERNEL=="dv1394*", GROUP="video", MODE="0666" KERNEL=="video1394*", GROUP="video", MODE="0666" }}} |
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I have studied a bit sed and awk and so one night i have thinked to a very simple project using awk ,sed and kommander. i know it's slower than bash etc etc...xD i know... but it's what i have learn in few time and is what i have choosen for my personal software, and with this system every one can fix easly commandline and so no wait for fixing only a stupid commandline.-.-'' i remember when i have modified a bash script because who has written the script has forgotten "-srate " -.-'' and my mov files want be converted | Infine, riavvare il sistema. |
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= Installazione di kino = | |
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Kommander is a very nice tool to build interfaces and it's very simple to learn so i thinked many people can understand base idea and therefore modify the project, improve or make something of different. | == Preparativi == |
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[B][SIZE="3"]Encoding news[/SIZE][/B] | Abilitare i [:Repository/Componenti:componenti] '''universe''' e '''multiverse''' dei [:Repository:repository] ufficiali. |
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I have rewrite every function, learn better ffmpeg mencoder transcode sox and others, so i think the most fuction should be fine. | Aggiungere il repository [:Repository/NonUfficiali/Medibuntu:Medibuntu] al proprio [:Repository/SourcesList:file dei repository]. |
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[SIZE="3"][B]What's of new?[/B][/SIZE] | == Installazione == |
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-rewrite the most of the function, and tested -Added some AVI color filter and simple rotation of the movie (to do add the command line to add or delete some line of the movie) -Added increase and decrease volume for audio and video( xD not sure for video, but if i have not added i will) -fixed commandline bugs (xD my errors in convertit commandline ) -added play a sound when programs have finished..just for fun -added some audio effects, just because i was curious -added iso conversion |
Per catturare i filmati con '''Kino''' è sufficiente l'[:AmministrazioneSistema/InstallareProgrammi:installare] il pacchetto ''kino''. Nel caso si desiderino altre funzionalità aggiuntive è utile [:AmministrazioneSistema/InstallareProgrammi:installare] anche i seguenti pacchetti: |
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-ADDED DVDWIZARD TOOL | * ''ffmpeg'' * ''mencoder'' * ''ffmpeg2theora'' * ''dvgrab'' |
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-ADDED IMAGES2MPG TOOL(i know about digikam but i have made this gui to work together with dvdwizard tool..) | = Ulteriori risorse = * [http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,178969.0.html Topic sul Forum di Ubuntu] |
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-ADDED documentation, if i can call it "documentation" -ADDED confingurator tool...NOT SURE OF THE RESULTS -ADDED simple installer for any linux distrobution -ADDED simple editing of fuction , IN THE MAIN WINDOWS you can edit the command line with double click on it , modify as you want and use it. but it will not be saved!! i have made this because sometime you need to set some setting for few files and i don't want save that parametres in my function file. BUT YOU CAN EDIT AND ADD commandline in MANAGE WINDOWS. -ADDED MEDIA FOLDER, you can save your prefered folder so you don't need to navigate a lots to find your multimedia files. -ADDED PLAY FILES, you can play your file directly from fuoco before conversion to ensure it's what you want convert.(and more, you can choose what player you prefer mplayer xine or vlc) -ADDED Show the commandline with replacing. If you have problem with conversion you can select to show the command line with replacing so you can use it to evalute the problem in konsole or gnome terminal -ADDED some documentation so you don't need to navigate to find how modify the commandline. -FIXED to k3b commandline, now i am sure those command line convert files and open k3b dvd prject with OUTDIR files to see what it can do i have made video so you can see what it can do It supports Encode to audio: ENCONDING ANY TO --------> AC3,FLAC,OGG MP3 WAV Video encoding : ANY TO --------->DV (kino formats...VERY BIG FILE),AVI, OGG, FLV,MP4, MOV, MPEG,WMV (version 2) DEVICE: -PSP, IPOD, WII (for wii not sure..who uses wii plz say me if it works or not.. ) -PHONE* -divx compatible. -mpg for dvd project (like dvdwizard = dvd with menu) * phone....how can i write a commandline for my phone? $$$$$i must write this things. [B][SIZE="6"]INSTALLATION[/SIZE][/B] step 1 TURN ON MEDIBUNTU this is only a interface for the command line programs, so if you want use it , you need of some software: GUTSY: open a terminal and paste this : sudo wget [url]http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list[/url] -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list wget -q [url]http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg[/url] -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update step 2 INSTALL SOME COMMANDLINE PROGRAMS: open a terminal and paste this sudo apt-get install ffmpeg2theora mencoder mplayer libogg0 libogg-dev libvorbis0a libvorbis-dev vorbis-tools mp32ogg ffmpeg imagemagick youtube-dl poppler-utils sox toolame dvdauthor kipi-plugin DVDWIZARD Needs of dvdwizard obviously :) but there is a debian package here to install right mouse on the files and find something for installation..i don't remember NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE Remember dvdwizard doesnt like name with space or special characters or something of strange(EVEN IF YOU QUOTE), so if you want use it rename the files to avoid failure. IMAGES2MPG it's very simple , some problem with very big photo for the preview...if you want see the picture faster juste resite for dvd (pal max = 720x540 ntsc max = ) NOTE your can use "alone" and it done mpg from your picture with fade effects or you can use for dvdwizard, in that case it will not work after you have clicked on the button but it will store commandline and automatically it will be read from dvdwizard when you close IMAGES2MPG plug in. http://www.sciallo.net/ConvertIT/Indice.html [SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"] 3 WE ARE TESTING THE COMMAND LINE BEFORE TO SAY ONE CONVERSIION DOESN T WORK TRY TO DOWLOAD YOUR FORMAT FROM HERE AND CONVERT IT. [url]http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/V-codecs/[/url] [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [url]http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/V-codecs/[/url] ConvertIT [IMG]http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/9973/multimediaconveterneweduv0.png[/IMG] La maggior parte dei convertitori ha il piccolissimo problema che quando cambia una versione dei sottoprogrammi, quali mencoder ffmpeg o oltri devono essere modificati da chi li ha programmati per poter funzionare. Come ci si può facilmente accorgere, tentare di modificare un interfaccia grafica o uno script bash non è una cosa molto semplice.Per affrontare questo problema è stata realizzata questa semplice interfaccia grafica. Infatti grazie alla funzione "Costruisci funzione" è possibile modifcare cancellare e aggiungere una qualsiasi riga di comando in maniera facile e intuitiva. Idea di Base Questo programma è basato su un file esterno ( funzioni.cit) nel quale sono salvate tutte le righe di comando e con il quale l'interfaccia grafica interagisce per effettuare le conversioni. In realtà il file funzioni.cit è semplicemente un file testuale che puo' essere modificato da chiuque con qualsiasi editor di testo. NSTALLAZIONE PRIMO PASSO Per poter utilizzare questa interfaccia grafica al massimo è neccessario attivare i Medibuntu repositories. Se non fossero attivi ecco il link dove trovare la procedura LINK MEDIBUNTU NOTA ricordarsi di aprire il terminale e dare il comando seguente per poter aggiornare la lista dei vostri repositories sudo apt-get update INSTALLAZIONE SECONDO PASSO installazione dei programmi base per la conversione dei file multimediali sudo apt-get install ffmpeg2theora mencoder mplayer w32codecs libogg0 libogg-dev libvorbis0a libvorbis-dev vorbis-tools mp32ogg ffmpeg imagemagick youtube-dl poppler-utils con questi programmi l'interfaccia grafica potra' essere utilizzata agevolmente per la maggior parte delle conversioni INSTALLAZIONE TERZO PASSO E' neccessaria anche installare Gambas2. Se avete Ubuntu gutsy potete semplicemente installare gambas2 con questo comando : sudo apt-get install gambas2 Se invece avete una versione precedente, editare il file /etc/apt/sources.list: se Ubuntu aprite un terminale e date sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list se avete Kubuntu : sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list aggiungete a seconda della vostra versione le seguenti linee FEISTY #Gambas2 deb http://xoomer.alice.it/pixel feisty gambas now save and close text editor. For older release: DAPPER #Gambas2 deb http://xoomer.alice.it/pixel dapper gambas EDGY #Gambas2 deb http://xoomer.alice.it/pixel edgy gambas Salvate il file e chiudete il programma, quindi, date sempre in terminale : sudo apt-get update subito dopo sudo apt-get install gambas2 INSTALLAZIONE QUARTO PASSO Come si è fatto in precedenza editare il file /etc/apt/sources.list e aggiungere le seguenti righe #ConvertIT deb http://www.sciallo.net/UbuntuRepo/myrepo binary/ Quindi salvare chiudere l'editor di testo e dare in terminale sudo apt-get update subito dopo sudo apt-get install convertit Ora nella sezione Multimedia, Kubuntu , o nella sezione Audio video , ubuntu troverete ConvertIT [SIZE="6"]How can i add features in my ConvertIT?[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"] Adding conversion with ConvertIT's interface[/SIZE] there are video but i think you can understand with this picture [IMG]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2892/aggiuntafunzioniyi4.png[/IMG] high quality video(20 MB) : [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?7zwzbtzjkdd[/url] [URL="http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=VtIa3xw2s3w"]youtube video[/URL] ( low quality) [SIZE="5"]Adding conversion without interface, editing Funzioni.cit[/SIZE] !!!!NOTE VERY IMPORTANT!!!! If you want add commandline by yourself do it well or the file will be not read . if you want use mencoder to convert a file you must be sure you HAVE to install mencoder ….if you plan to add some commandline you must be sure to have installated the program.Remember ConvertIT is ONLY A NICE INTERFACE. To know before try anything: [B]to add features to ConvertIT you must edit FUNZIONI.CIT[/B] [SIZE="5"]where is the funzioni.cit?[/SIZE] load ConvertIT because in the first loading ConvertIT create one default funzioni.cit in your home…(/home/YOURNICK/.MultimediaConverter note it's a hidden folder..so you cannot see it….. to see an hidden file [I]for ubuntu[/I] and press [B]CTRL ;H[/B] for kubuntu in the windows click on menu visualisation and Show hidden file ) Now go here /home/YOURNICK/.convertit and double click on funzioni.cit This file has 3 “sector” ##Audio; ##Video;##Mobile see this example: ##Audio # MP3 WAV Normal mplayer -ao pcm:file=OUTPUT INPUT ##Video # mpeg OGG low 640-480 ffmpeg2theora -x 640 -y 480 -v 2 -a 2 INPUT -o OUTPUT ##Mobile # 3GP AVI Normal ffmpeg -y -i INPUT -f avi -vcodec mjpeg -acodec pcm_s16le OUTPUTif you want add some feature for video put below video, if audio below audio……. One conversion is made in this way: # =mean start a new convesion MOV =Input FORMAT AVI = Output FORMAT Norma =Label Quality or what you want ffmpeg -i INPUT -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -ar 48000 -maxrate 1000 -b 700 -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -g 300 -acodec aac -ab 192 -s 320×240 -aspect 4:3 -y OUTPUT = your personal command line NOTE in the command line must be : INPUT for file input (NOT INPUT.MOV) OUTPUT for file output (NOT OUTPUT.AVI ) [SIZE="5"] EXAMPLE HOW CAN I FIND OUT AND MODIFY THE COMMAND LINE TO BE USABLE INTO funzioni.cit[/SIZE] if you find command line for your conversion in GOOGLE OR YAHOO like this (VERY IMPORTANT MANY COMMAND-LIVE WAS TESTED WITH 2000-2006 FFMPEG VERSION WITH FFMPEG 2007 VERSION, GUTSY, you must change some little thing...) ffmpeg -i[B] inputfile.avi[/B] -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -ar 48000 -maxrate 1000 -b 700 -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -g 300 -acodec aac -ab 192 -s 320×240 -aspect 4:3 -y [B]fileoutput.mp4[/B] [B] In your funzioni.cit MUST BE WRITTEN IN THIS WAY(BELOW ##Video ...becasue is a video-conversion...[/B] [COLOR="Olive"]# AVI MP4 my_prefered_name ffmpeg -i[B] INPUT[/B] -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -ar 48000 -maxrate 1000 -b 700 -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -g 300 -acodec aac -ab 192 -s 320×240 -aspect 4:3 -y [B]OUTPUT[/B][/COLOR] What have we made? Our conversion was for video so we will write it below video sector (##Video) (#) this individualizes a new conversion (AVI) i input file format (MP4) output fomat [B]comand line[/B] = ( ffmpeg -i INPUT -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -ar 48000 -maxrate 1000 -b 700 -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -g 300 -acodec aac -ab 192 -s 320×240 -aspect 4:3 -y OUTPUT). [B][I] NOTE NO LEAVE SPACE AMONG CONVERSATIOTN SEE THIS FILE TO UNDERSTAND[/I][/B] [COLOR="Green"]THIS WORKS ##Audio # MP3 OGG Normal mplayer -ao pcm:file=OUTPUT INPUT # MP3 WAV Normal mplayer -ao pcm:file=OUTPUT INPUT ##Video #…….ECT ETC[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][COLOR="Red"] THIS DOESN T WORK ##Audio # MP3 OGG Normal mplayer -ao pcm:file=OUTPUT INPUT <---no leave space # MP3 WAV Normal mplayer -ao pcm:file=OUTPUT INPUT ##Video #…….ECT ETC[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Adding subtitle[/B] to load subtitle you must sure subtitles are in the same folder of video file and have the same name of the relative movie ( case sensive). example: if i want add sutitle to: [B]myStuPidmovie.avi[/B] i must put[B] myStuPidmovie.srt [/B][U]in the same folder. [/U] for mencoder just add this [B]-sub SUBTITLE -subfont-text-scale 4 [/B] here there is a funzioni.cit EXAMPLE [B] note i have written this file with this version of mencoder(2000-2006) and ffmpeg(2000-2006). you can find some conversions here[/B] [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/?2jdvld5ogdm"]here[/URL] you can download a video turtorial...i have tried to do my best..:D [B][SIZE="5"] Examples of command line NOT USABLE FOR funzioni.cit REMEMBER IN THE COMMAND LINE YOU MUST PUT ONLY INPUT E OUTPUT and NOT ipunt.avi or something like that only INPUT and OUTPUT TO USE THIS COMMAND LINE YOU MUST HAVE INSTALLED:[/SIZE][/B] !!!!!!!INSTALL FROM REPO MEDIBUNTU T!!!!!!!!!! OR FFMPEG AND MENCODER WILL NOT WORK WELL ! sudo apt-get install ffmpeg2theora mencoder mplayer w32codecs libogg0 libogg-dev libvorbis0a libvorbis-dev vorbis-tools ffmpeg imagemagick poppler-utils T [SIZE="4"]Make divx compatible movie[/SIZE] [b] PAL[/b] [u];D it works K3B TESTED ON PLAYER\RECORDER PIONEER 440 H-S[/u] [b] [i] PAL best quality\compression[/i] [/b] for this format the max size to be playable must be 720:576; but if the movie is not a multiple of 720:576 and you resize it to 720:576 it will be distorted (the command for mecoder is this :-vf scale=720:576) so i suggest to use this: -vf scale -zoom -xy \720 in this way you will respect the aspect ratio [code] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:576 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o OUTPUT. avi [/code] [b][i]PAL medium[/i][/b] [code] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:576 -xvidencopts bitrate=600 -o OUTPUT. avi[/code] [b] PAL low[/b] [code] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=92 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:576 -xvidencopts bitrate=400 -o OUTPUT. avi [/code] [b]NTSC[/b] i don t know if it works i use pal :D !for this format the max size to be playable must be 720:480; but if the movie is not a multiple of 720:480 and you resize it to 720:480 it will be distorted (the command for mecoder is this :-vf scale=720:480) so i suggest to use this: -vf scale -zoom -xy \720 in this way you will respect the aspect ratio [b]NTSC BEST quality\compression[/b] [code] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:480 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o OUTPUT. avi[/code] [b]NTSC MEDIUM[/b] [code] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:480 -xvidencopts bitrate=600 -o OUTPUT. avi[/code] [b] NTSC LOW[/b] [code]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=92 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:480 -xvidencopts bitrate=400 -o OUTPUT. avi[/code] [b] HDTV TRY THIS i dont know if it works i have not hd tv..[/b] [code]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=92 -srate 48000 -vf scale=1280:720 -xvidencopts bitrate=4000 -o OUTPUT. avi[/code] [SIZE="5"] DIVX, AVI ------ DVD[/SIZE] [B] IT should work with many format...[/B] [b] PAL DVD[/b] [code]mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -vf scale=720:576,harddup -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=15:vstrict=0:acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:aspect=16/9 -ofps 25 -o OUTPUT.mpg INPUT[/code] [b] NTSC DVD[/b] [code]mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -vf scale=720:480,harddup -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=18:vstrict=0:acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:aspect=16/9 -ofps 30000/1001 -o OUTPUT.mpg INPUT[/code] [b] PAL AVI Containing AC-3 Audio to DVD[/b] If the source already has AC-3 audio [code]mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -vf scale=720:576,harddup -ofps 25 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=15:vstrict=0:aspect=16/9 -o OUTPUT.mpg INPUT.AVI[/code] [b] NTSC AVI Containing AC-3 Audio to DVD[/b] If the source already has AC-3 audio, and is NTSC @ 24000/1001 fps: [code]mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf:telecine -vf scale=720:480,harddup -lavcopts Vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=15:vstrict=0:aspect=16/9 -ofps 24000/1001 -o OUTPUT.mpg IMPUT.avi [/code] [b] PAL SVCD[/b] [code]mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=xsvcd -vf scale=480:576,harddup -srate 44100 -af lavcresample=44100 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:mbd=2:keyint=15:vrc_buf_size=917:vrc_minrate=600:vbitrate=2500:vrc_maxrate=2500:acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 -ofps 25 -o OUTPUT.mpg INPUT.avi[/code] [b] NTSC SVCD[/b] [code]mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=xsvcd -vf scale=480:480,harddup -srate 44100 -af lavcresample=44100 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:mbd=2:keyint=18:vrc_buf_size=917:vrc_minrate=600:vbitrate=2500:vrc_maxrate=2500:acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 -ofps 30000/1001 -o OUTPUT.mpg INPUT.avi[/code] [b] PAL VCD[/b] [code]mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=xvcd -vf scale=352:288,harddup -srate 44100 -af lavcresample=44100 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:keyint=15:vrc_buf_size=327:vrc_minrate=1152:vbitrate=1152:vrc_maxrate=1152:acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 -ofps 25 -o OUTPUT.mpg INPUT.avi[/code] [b] NTSC VCD [/b] [code] mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=xvcd -vf scale=352:240,harddup -srate 44100 -af lavcresample=44100 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:keyint=18:vrc_buf_size=327:vrc_minrate=1152:vbitrate=1152:vrc_maxrate=1152:acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 -ofps 30000/1001 -o OUTPUT.mpg INPUT.avi [/code] [SIZE="5"] Example of conversion [/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]AUDIO SECTION [/SIZE] [B]ANY TO TO OGG QUALITY 5[/B] [CODE] mplayer -ao pcm:file=OUTPUT.wav INPUT; oggenc -q 5 OUTPUT.wav OUTPUT; rm OUTPUT.wav[/CODE] [B]ANY MP3 128K[/B] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 128k -acodec mp3 OUTPUT[/CODE] [I]192K[/I] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 192k -acodec mp3 OUTPUT[/CODE] [I] 256K[/I] [CODE] ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 256k -acodec mp3 OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]INSANE QUALITY[/B] [CODE] ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 384k -acodec mp3 OUTPUT [/CODE] [B] TO AC3[/B] [CODE][I]ANY AC3 128K[/I] ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 128k -acodec aac OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]TO AMR[/B] [I] ANY AMR 128K[/I] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 128k -ar 8000 -ac 1 -acodec amr_nb OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]TO WAV[/B] [I]ANY WAV [/I] [CODE]mplayer -ao pcm:file=OUTPUT INPUT[/CODE] [SIZE="4"]Video section[/SIZE] [I][B]Divx player compatible[/B][/I] [B]ANY AVI[/B] [B]Divx player (HDTV) EXPERIMENTAL[/B] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -srate 48000 -vf scale=1280:720 -xvidencopts bitrate=4000 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]Divx player (NTSC = america ) [/B] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 30 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=30 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:480 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] Divx player (PAL if you are in europe) EXPERIMENTAL[/B] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -srate 48000 -vf scale=720:576 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [I][B]Portable(psp ipod Pda)[/B][/I] [I]AVI MP4 for PSP MENCODER 2006 OLD VERSION....[/I] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of lavf -lavcopts aglobal=1:vglobal=1:vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=500:acodec=aac -af lavcresample=24000 -vf scale=368:208,harddup -lavfopts format=psp:i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames -ofps 30000/1001 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [I]AVI MP4 for PSP MENCODER 2007NEW VERSION....[/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of lavf -lavcopts aglobal=1:vglobal=1:vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=500:acodec=libfaac -af lavcresample=24000 -vf scale=368:208,harddup -lavfopts format=psp -ofps 30000/1001 -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]AVI MP4 For_ipod[/B] [CODE] ffmpeg -i INPUT -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -ar 48000 -maxrate 1000 -b 700 -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -g 300 -acodec aac -ab 192 -s 320×240 -aspect 4:3 -y OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] AVI AVI Resize for Pda[/B] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -ovc xvid -oac copy -vf scale=320:240 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=7 -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]AVI AVI Resize per Pda con SUBTITLE[/B] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -ovc xvid -oac copy -vf scale=320:240 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=7 -sub SUBTITLE.srt -subfont-text-scale 4 -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]YOUTUBE : FLV AVI [/B] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 -vcodec xvid -acodec mp3 OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]YOUTUBE : FLV MPG[/B] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 OUTPUT[/CODE] [SIZE="3"][B]TO AVI[/B][/SIZE] [I]ANY AVI[/I] [I]medium QUALITY and resize 640 ASPECT RATIO PRESERVED[/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -srate 48000 vf scale -zoom -xy \640 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o OUTPUT.AVI[/CODE] [I] medium QUALITY and resize 640 ASPECT RATIO NOT PRESERVED[/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192 -srate 48000 vf scale=640:480 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=4 -o OUTPUT.AVI[/CODE] [I]low quality [/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=64 -srate 48000 -xvidencopts fixed_quant=10 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [I]AVERAGE BITRATE 700KBPS and resize 640 ASPECT RATIO NOT PRESERVED[/I] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128 -srate 48000 -vf scale -zoom -xy \640 -xvidencopts bitrate=700 -o [/CODE] [B]RM AVI [/B] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128 -srate 48000 -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]ASF AVI [/B] [I]resize 640 [/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac copy -vf scale -zoom -xy \640 -xvidencopts bitrate=700 -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]RMVB AVI[/B] [I]Quality Quality normal[/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=64 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=600 -of AVI -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]WMV AVI [/B] [I]Quality normal[/I][CODE] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -srate 48000 -xvidencopts bitrate=700 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]WMV AVI[/B] [I] resize 640[/I][CODE] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac copy -srate 48000 -vf scale -zoom -xy \640 -xvidencopts bitrate=700 -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]WMX AVI [/B] [I]Quality normal[/I] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -ofps 25 -ovc xvid -oac copy -srate 48000 -vf scale -zoom -xy \640 -xvidencopts bitrate=700 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] TO OGG[/B] [I]Best quality and resize 640:480[/I] [CODE]ffmpeg2theora -v 10 -a 10 -x 640 -y 480 INPUT -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] TO MPEG[/B] [I]any MPEG[/I] [I]Quality normal(if doest work try resized)[/I] [CODE]mencoder -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128 -srate 48000 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=700 -ofps 25 -of mpeg -o OUTPUT INPUT [/CODE] [I] any MPEG resize 640[/I][CODE] mencoder -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128 -srate 48000 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=700 -vf scale=640:480 -ofps 25 -of mpeg -o OUTPUT INPUT [/CODE] [B] to mov[/B] [I]AVI MOV medium[/I] [CODE] mencoder -oac faac -faacopts br=192:object=2 -channels 2 -srate 22050 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=300 -of lavf -lavfopts i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames -o OUTPUT INPUT [/CODE] [B] TO FLV[/B] [I] ANY FLV[/I] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -b 200 -ofps 25 -ar 128k -r 22050 OUTPUT[/CODE] [B][I]TO WMV AVI WMV NOT SURE [/I][/B][CODE] ffmpeg -i INPUT -b 700k -vcodec wmv2 -ar 44100 -acodec wmav2 OUTPUT [/CODE] [SIZE="4"] PHONE[/SIZE] [B]3GP AVI[/B] [I]SPERIMENTAL[/I] [CODE]ffmpeg -y -i INPUT -f AVI -vcodec mjpeg -acodec pcm_s16le OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] 3GP AVI [/B] [I]SPERIMENTAL[/I] [CODE]mencoder -ovc lavc -o OUTPUT -vf pp,2xsai,scale INPUT[/CODE] [I][B]TO 3GP XVID [/B] Normal[/I] [CODE] ffmpeg -i INPUT -vcodec xvid -b 40k -ar 8000 -ac 2 -acodec mp3 OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]TO 3GP WITH H263[/B] [I]Normal[/I] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -s 176x144 -vcodec h263 -b 40k -ar 8000 -ac 1 -acodec amr_nb -r 15 OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]Foto (CHANGE JPEG INTO BMP OR OTHER FORMATS IF YOU WANT CONVERT IN OTHER FORMATS IT WILL DO IT!) [/B] [B]Convert your picture AND resize[/B][CODE] convert -resize 800x600 INPUT Insert output format example : OUTPUT.jpeg [/CODE] [B]i want just convert MY FOTO NO RESIZE[/B] [CODE]convert -resize INPUT OUTPUT.jpeg [/CODE] [B] MAKE A MOVIE FROM PHOTO JPG WITH AUDIOFILE 800X600 (-vf scale=800:600 you can delete it it's not importa i think)[/B] [CODE] mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf fps=25:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -oac copy -audiofile AUDIOFILEPATH.MP3 -vf scale=800:600 -o output.avi[/CODE] [B] MAKE A MOVIE FROM PHOTO JPG 800X600[/B] [CODE] mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf fps=25:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -oac copy -vf scale=800:600 -o output.avi[/CODE] [B] youtube downloader [/B] [CODE]youtube-dl WWW.YOUTUBE_SOMETHING_LINK -o OUTUPUT [/CODE] [SIZE="4"]Text section [/SIZE] [B] PDF2HTML(layout saved)[/B] [CODE] pdftotext -layout -htmlmeta INPUT OUTPUT [/CODE] [B] PDF2HTML(layout not saved)l [CODE][/B] pdftotext -htmlmeta INPUT OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] PDF2TXT(layout saved)[/B] [CODE]pdftotext -layout INPUT OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]PDF2TXT(layout not saved)[/B] [CODE]pdftotext INPUT OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]PDF2 PS[/B] [CODE] pdf2ps INPUT OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] PS2PDF[/B] [CODE] ps2pdf INPUT OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]DVI2PS[/B] [CODE]divps -o OUTPUT INPUT[/CODE] [SIZE="4"] Special [/SIZE] [B]Extract audio from video -acodec CAN BE mp3, aac,amr_nb,copy }[/B] [CODE] ffmpeg -i INPUT -ar 48000 -ab 128k -vn -acodec mp3 OUTPUT.MP3[/CODE] [B] Extract Only video (no audio)[/B] [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -an -vcodec copy OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] Delay audio [/B][B] ANY AVI[/B][I] delay!encode ONLY 15 secondS OF THE MOVIE with delay (05 SECONDS AND 0000 ms)[/I] [CODE] mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -audio-delay -05.000 -endpos 15 INPUT -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]encode whole movie with delay[/B] [CODE] mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -audio-delay -05.000 INPUT -o OUTPUT [/CODE] [B]New Audio track for my movie! [/B] [I]AVI AVI[/I] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -oac copy -ovc copy -audiofile AUDIOINPUTFILE -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] PREVIEW[/B] [B] MPEG MPEG[/B] [I]Preview 5 seconds![/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ovc copy -oac copy -endpos 5 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [I][B]AVI AVI[/B] Preview 5 seconds![/I] [CODE]mencoder INPUT -ovc copy -oac copy -endpos 5 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]Crop a part of a video [/B] [I]ANY AVI[/I] [B] PREVIEW IMPORTAT!!BEFORE you use this wizard you must do this in a terminal: mplayer inputfile.avi -vf cropdetect in the terminal will appear FOR EXAMPLE: -vf cropdetect=704:464:10:8 SP YOU WILL USE THIS THIS ENCODE ONLY 10 SECONDS!!![/B] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -ovc copy -oac copy -vf cropdetect=704:464:10:8 -endpos 10 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B] Crop a part of a video ANY AVI[/B] [B]CROP AND ENCODE WHOLE MOVIE[/B] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -ovc copy -oac copy --vf cropdetect=704:464:10:8 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] [B]SOME USEFULL STUFF[/B] [B] rotation :[/B] [CODE] mencoder INPUT -oac copy -ovc lavc -vf rotate=1 -o OUTPUT[/CODE] THIS is an example but you can use your prefered codecs the option rotate = -vf rotate=1 0 Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise and flip (default). 1 Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise. 2 Rotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise. 3 Rotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise and flip. [B] Encode Flac![/B] example 128kbitrate [CODE]ffmpeg -i INPUT -ab 128 -acodec flac OUTPUT.flac [/CODE] [SIZE="5"]SEE HERE IF YOU CANNOT SEE WELL CONVERTIT [/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]i have a problem, i can t see very well ConvertIT[/SIZE] some people have said they cannot see well the program. i don t know why but to solve this problem you can do this create this folder with this command [CODE]sudo mkdir /etc/qt3[/CODE] then dowload this 2 files and put in that folder [CODE] http://xoomer.alice.it/pixel/gutsy64/qtrc http://xoomer.alice.it/pixel/gutsy64/qt_plugins_3.3rc [/CODE] you can do it with this bash script [CODE] #!/bin/bash ## sudo mkdir /etc/qt3 cd /etc/qt3 sudo wget http://xoomer.alice.it/pixel/gutsy64/qtrc sudo wget http://xoomer.alice.it/pixel/gutsy64/qt_plugins_3.3rc [/CODE] THANK TO PIXEL AND SUPREMUS italian\swiss ubuntu user\member [SIZE="4"]TO CREATE A DVD FROM MY VIDEO I USE THIS[/SIZE] dvd authoring[B][U] only for kde.[/U][/B].. [url]http://dvdauthorwizard.sourceforge.net/view.php/page/Install[/url] IF YOU HAVE PROBLE TO DOWNLOAD [url]http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3c11x4xdt1y[/url] encode your movie before into mpeg with ConvertIT THANKS to Jester, because he has helped me to set my computer, Bruse46 for programming ConvertIT with gambas 2 and ITALIAN UBUNTU COMMUNITY, special thanks to irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-it |
---- CategoryHardware CategoryMultimedia |
BR Indice(depth=2) VersioniSupportate(hardy gutsy feisty)
Questa guida contiene delle istruzioni utili all'installazione e alla configurazione di una telecamera DV.
Configurazione della telecamera
Per verificare che siano stati caricati all’avvio i moduli per la firewire è sufficiente digitare il seguente comando nel terminale:
lsmod | grep 1394
Il risultato sarà simile al seguente:
ohci1394 33584 0 ieee1394 93752 2 sbp2,ohci1394
Per caricare all'avvio i moduli neccessari per il corretto funzionamento della periferica è necessario aprire il file /etc/modules con i [:AmministrazioneSistema/Sudo:privilegi di amministrazione] e con un [:Ufficio/EditorDiTesto:editor di testo], aggiungendo le seguenti righe:
raw1394 video1394 dv1394
Per caricare nella sessione corrente i moduli è sufficiente aprire una finestra di terminale e digitare il seguente comando:
sudo modprobe raw1394 && sudo modprobe video1394 && sudo modprobe dv1394
Per consentire a tutti gli utenti di utilizzare la telecamera, è necessario aprire il file /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules con un [:Ufficio/EditorDiTesto:editor di testo] con i [:AmministrazioneSistema/Sudo:privilegi di amministrazione] e cercare le seguenti righe:
KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="disk" KERNEL=="dv1394*", GROUP="video" KERNEL=="video1394*", GROUP="video"
Sostituire le precedenti righe con il seguente testo:
KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="disk", MODE="0666" KERNEL=="dv1394*", GROUP="video", MODE="0666" KERNEL=="video1394*", GROUP="video", MODE="0666"
Infine, riavvare il sistema.
Installazione di kino
Abilitare i [:Repository/Componenti:componenti] universe e multiverse dei [:Repository:repository] ufficiali.
Aggiungere il repository [:Repository/NonUfficiali/Medibuntu:Medibuntu] al proprio [:Repository/SourcesList:file dei repository].
Per catturare i filmati con Kino è sufficiente l'[:AmministrazioneSistema/InstallareProgrammi:installare] il pacchetto kino. Nel caso si desiderino altre funzionalità aggiuntive è utile [:AmministrazioneSistema/InstallareProgrammi:installare] anche i seguenti pacchetti:
Ulteriori risorse
[http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,178969.0.html Topic sul Forum di Ubuntu]