Wiki Ubuntu-it

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  • Differenze per "GiuseppeTerrasi/Prove01"
Differenze tra le versioni 158 e 164 (in 6 versioni)
Versione 158 del 24/04/2008 10.31.11
Dimensione: 4323
Versione 164 del 13/12/2009 13.32.08
Dimensione: 95
Le cancellazioni sono segnalate in questo modo. Le aggiunte sono segnalate in questo modo.
Linea 3: Linea 3:
||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:25%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Indice'''[[BR]] [[TableOfContents(1)]]||

= Introduzione =

Mia sotto-pagina personale che uso per i test e per le bozze.
= Link utili =

 * [:GuidaWiki: La guida wiki]
 * [:LeoIannacone/Prove:Tag che mi serviranno]
Linea 16: Linea 5:
= Tabella comparativa =

Traduzione della tabella [ franscese].

Per completarla servono: 3 screenshot di ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu versione feisty. le sottopagine che essendo programmi si possono poi mettere nella pagina programmi.

 * gnome, kde e xfce dovrebbero puntare ad una pagina faq
 * creare pagine per gli altri programmi

 * '''Altri progetti''': Ubuntu è disponibile sotto forma di altri progetti come '''[:Kubuntu:Kubuntu]''', '''Edubuntu''' e '''Xubuntu'''.

Scopri le differeze:


Ajoutez à cela des milliers de logiciels disponibles afin de créer l'environnement qui vous ressemble, il tutto è installabile in maniera molto semplice grazie al vostro gestore di pacchetti!

With the MoinMoin search engine the same search patterns are allowed in the search and title search input fields as in the parameters for the FullSearch and the PageList macros.

    * There may be several search term seperated by white space
          o Terms are combined by default with an AND operation - only pages containing all search term are returned
          o Double or single quotes may be used to include white space into search terms.

      - before a search term means NOT - pages containing this term are excluded from the result

      regex:TERM is treated as regular expression

      title:TERM searches in pages that their titles match TERM
          o Normal search terms do search the titles, too. Matches in titles get more weight as matches in pages.

      case:TERM searches case sensitive

      linkto:TERM searches for links to TERM

      language:LANG-ISO-CODE searches for pages written in a given language ISO code, e.g. en, de

      category:CAT searches for pages belonging to CategoryCAT; replaces old regular expression

      mimetype:TYPE searches for pages and attachments with mimetype TYPE, e.g. image/png

            /!\ Currently only available with Xapian!

      domain:TERM searches for pages in a domain like underlay or system (for system pages)

      title:, regex:, linkto: and case: may be used in combination in one search term

            these modifiers may be abbreviated to any length: e. g. re:, t:, reg:, cas:, l:

            If you want to use multiple of them, you have to concatenate them like this: t:re:

            - must be put before any other modifiers

      or operator has a lower precedence than the implicit AND
    * Parentheses can be used for grouping


title:Help macro

searches for help pages that contain the word "macro".

apple (computer or "operating system")

searches for pages containing the word "apple" and at least one of "computer" or "operating system".

windows winamp or linux xmms

searches for pages containing both "windows" and "winamp", and also for pages containing both "linux" and "xmms".

"is text"

Will match "this text" or "is texts". Quotes are used only to include whitespace, and do not mean "exactly this phrase".

linkto:WindowsPage title:Linux

searches for pages that have "Linux" in the page name and that link to WindowsPage


searches for the word "dog" and does not find e.g. the word "doggy"

help -domain:system

search for pages containing the word "help" but which are not system pages

category:homepage title:thomas

search for pages in CategoryHomepage with the word "thomas" in the title (user homepages of all persons named Thomas)

TitleSearch and PageList

    * uses the same patterns

      title: is virtually added to every search term