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Versione 1 del 21/05/2011 20.33.11

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Evince in Ubuntu è l'applicazione predefinita per visualizzare file .pdf, .ps, .djvu ed altri tipi similari.

La maggior parte dei bug relativi ad Evince ricadono in tre categorie:Most bugs related to Evince fall into 3 categories:

  1. Evince crasha quando viene aperto uno specifico documento (oppure quando si esegue una specifica azione, quale lo scorrimento, lo zoom, la rotazione).
  2. Evince non visualizza correttamente il documento.
  3. Evince visualizza il documento ma non lo stampa correttamente.

Problemi comuni

File .dvi

Evince utilizza texlive per renderizzare i file .dvi. Se non si riesce ad aprire un file .dvi (messaggio d'errore "Impossibile aprire il documento. Il formato .DVI non è corretto"), installare il pacchetto texlive e riprovare. (Vedere bug report #42410 inerente la correzione di questo errore)

CJK fonts

CJK sta per Chinese-Japanese-Korean. Un pdf che include test ma mancano i font incorporati non sarà visualizzato correttamente fino a quando non sarà installato il pacchetto poppler-data.

Procedura di debugging

Crash o Freeze

In case Evince crashes, follow standard DebuggingProgramCrash procedures.

Rendering issues

If the crash/incorrect rendering appears only with a specific document, obtaining that document will help. Here's a stock reply to use in this case:

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu even better!  It would be quite helpful if you attach the document you are having a problem with so we can better recreate this bug and work on fixing it.  Thanks in advance.

Once you have the document and have confirmed it doesn't render as it's supposed to in Evince, you have to find the right package for this bug. Evince uses:

Try opening it with different viewers to try and isolate the problem:

  • Adobe Reader (package acroread, available in the Medibuntu repository)

  • Xpdf (package xpdf-reader)

  • ePdfView
  • okular
  • for .ps files: ghostscript
  • for .djvu files: djVuLibre (package djview4)

When pdf files don't include the embedded fonts used in the document, then if Ubuntu doesn't have the specific font installed, it will search for the nearest equivalent, using fc-match <font>.

It might also be helpful to use the pdfinfo and pdffonts utils (included in the poppler-utils package).

Printing problems

Sometimes, when a document printed from evince doesn't print correctly, it is not a problem with Evince, but with cups, or the specific printer driver.

Other issues

How to Forward

Backporting Fixes

Bug fixes are normally backported to all supported Ubuntu releases (you can see which releases are still supported here).

However, this is not always possible, for example when the code architecture has changed significantly. This means that sometimes bugs are marked as "Fix Released" even when they have been fixed only in recent versions of evince/poppler/etc.
