#!/bin/bash # root-nautilus-here # opens a root-enabled instance of a nautilus window in selected location # requires sudo privileges and gksudo, which may involve security risks. #Install in your ~/Nautilus/scripts directory. # # Placed in the public domain by Shane T. Mueller 2001 # Fixes provided by Doug Nordwall # # 2004.04.18 -- keith@penguingurus.com - Added gksudo usage to provide popup # password window if sudo has expired. Line only echos got # root to std output. But gksudo updates your sudo access # privs, so running nautilus with sudo will succeed # without asking for a password. foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for nautilus root access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"` sudo nautilus --no-desktop $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI